Safety & Conditions

Your Money is Safe With Us

With money, safety is everything. At froots, your money is kept safe at our Austrian partner bank Schellhammer Capital Bank, or in the case of a Spezialfonds, at the Private Bank of your choice. In the unusual case that something would happen to froots or any of our partner banks, your Portfolios will not be affected. Because froots strictly invests in highly liquid and publicly traded assets, you keep the freedom to withdrawal parts of your portfolio or close it down at any time, and free of costs.

Please note: Investments in always involve risks as well as opportunities, further information on the risks of investing can be found here.

The Safety and Flexibility that You Deserve

Austrian Bank Account

You will receive a personal IBAN at our partner bank, Schellhammer Capital Bank. Only you will have access to this account.

Flexible Withdrawals & Payments

You can withdraw money from your account at any time, and if you make use of a payment plan, this can be adjusted or paused or cancelled whenever needed.

Your Money is Safe

Cash positions are covered by ECB deposit insurance, and your investments are held as segregated assets. This ensures that your assets remain safe even if something happens to froots or our banking partners.

One Simple Fee

froots charges a single fee on assets under management, which ranges between 0,5% and 1% over Assets under Management, depending on the size of your accounts, and how long you have been with us.

Automated Tax Filing

Austrian customers benefit from automated tax filing, meaning froots handles all tax matters for you. Spezialfonds receive a yearly audit including taxes.

Always Access Your Money

Froots strictly invests in publicly traded assets. Therefor you will always have access to your money when you need it, securely held in your investment account in your name.

One simple fee and no surprises

In the long run, investing has always made sense. The longer you stay with us, the lower our fees become.

0-150k EUR
150-500k EUR
500-2M EUR
over 2M EUR
Spezialfonds (10M+)
product costs
0-5 years
6-10 years
after 10 years

The fees are p.a. and invoiced quarterly.

FAQs Safety & Conditions

What happens if froots, or one of our custodian partners goes bankrupt?

In the unlikely event that froots faces bankruptcy, your funds will remain secure and unaffected. We keep your money separate from froots' assets and those of our partner banks. This protection extends to situations where one of our partner banks encounters difficulties; your access to your funds will remain intact. We adhere to rigorous regulatory standards and work closely with our partner banks to ensure the safety and security of your investments.

Does it cost money to open an account at froots?

Opening a froots account is free of cost, regardless of the size, the quantity or the complexity of the accounts. Our only source of revenue is our single management fee over assets under management.

Do I have to pay additional fees to open multiple accounts?

No, there are no fees for opening additional accounts. Our only source of revenue is our single management fee over assets under management.

Do I always keep access to my account?

You can access your money at any time without incurring extra fees for withdrawals or closing your account. Monthly savings plans can be easily adjusted, paused or cancelled with just a few clicks.

Can I always close down my account?

Yes. Because froots strictly invests in highly liquid and publicly traded assets, you always keep the freedom to withdrawal parts of your portfolio or close it down, free of costs.

Is a total loss of my investments possible?

At froots, you receive tailored, highly diversified portfolios based on ETFs and ETCs, depending on your risk profile and goals. Given this background, our approach to active risk management, and the broad diversification of our portfolios, a total loss of your securities is very unlikely. Nevertheless, investments in the capital markets carry risks and can exhibit interim fluctuations. For more information, please refer to our risk disclosures.

What is the Schellhammer Capital Bank?

The Schelhammer Capital Bank AG, founded in 1832, is considered the strongest private bank in Austria. It is part of the GRAWE banking group and manages over 30 billion EUR. Its brands include, in addition to the platform (which is the direct contact for froots), DADAT and mysafe.

The platform is an innovative investment platform that allows customers to quickly and easily invest in a wide range of investment products. Its clients are typically asset management firms like froots, which, in turn, can provide their clients with efficient, digital access to trading platforms and securities.

How (often) are the costs settled?

Costs are charged quarterly and depend on the amount of your assets under management on the reference date. At 1% per year, this is 0.25% per quarter. The costs are determined at the beginning of each quarter for the next quarter and are deducted directly from your froots account. In the case of Spezialfonds, costs are deducted monthly, directly within the fund structure. Both normal accounts and Spezialfonds never actively have to pay anything.